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Register to receive dates and information about our flowplace tours and playshops


Become an early player  of Free Currencies

Be part of our regular tours and learn what it means to build sustainable economies in the future. These tours will be given regularly. You can sign up for these tours and learn what it means to be part of a circle that uses free currencies. You will see that we don't need dollars to build sustainable economies in the future.

If you want to go further and become a currency constellation designer, if you want to learn the nuts and bolts, the strategies, the deep vision behind free currencies, then you also have the possibility to attend online playshops. These playshops are 5 weeks weekly sessions. They will happen regularly next 2011.

We are all free to build new tools and technologies to acknowledge, measure or exchange wealth together

Free currencies is the next meta-system that will allow anyone, any community, any circle, local or global, to create whatever currencies they need for their own economy, and set whatever agreements is right for them.